Fillogic + Tendrel Case Study: Saving 11k monthly with Timeclock

Timeclock | Reducing Labor Hours

Driving $11k in cost savings per month with efficient time tracking. 

Who: Fillogic
A connected nationwide network of micrologistic hubs to optimize shipments for retailers.

What: Timeclock
Deploy lightweight, real-time tracker to manage hourly workers: payroll, breaks, overtime.

Why: Labor Savings
$11k in monthly savings at an ROI of 18x per month.

The Deployment

Before: Fillogic is a rapidly growing logistics provider, leveraging underutilized mall space for middle- and final-mile fulfillment. To do this, the ground teams manage a large but high-turnover hourly workforce, largely through labor staffing agencies who track time & attendance on clipboards. At the start of each day, 60-80 workers queue up to sign in, spending up to 25 minutes just to get working. And then the same process at the day’s close.

After: Tendrel deployed Timeclock at one of their largest sites. No new equipment necessary, it took an hour to deploy: upload their workers, download the app, and start logging workers on an iPad. The labor supervisors would scan workers’ clock-in for the day, break times, and clock-out at the end. With fast scan, each worker takes less than a second to log using QR codes.

The Results

All of that data populated right to our dashboards (accessible on mobile and desktop), showing a live view of:

  • Available Team: who is clocked in, who is on a break, and who didn’t show up
  • Labor Compliance: cumulative hours and breaks logged by worker by day
  • P/L Management: actual total paid labor hours at each facility

As the work week unfolds, Fillogic's team can see total hours by site or worker, by day and week. Now, the labor team could use ground truth data, with validated work hours: matching labor demand, reducing time theft, minimizing idle time, and ensuring compliance with labor law. All dashboards can be easily exported for payroll.

Not only was the new solution higher fidelity and more accurate (along with new data collection on compliance with regulation-required breaks), we reduced time to log the workers by an average of 45 minutes each day. With a team of 60 people, across one month, that adds up to $11k in savings per month based on the fully loaded cost per hour.

What's Next

We're deploying across every Fillogic site, including greenfield launches, nationwide. This gives each site leader the toolkit to manage their workforce from Day 1, but also grants the corporate team an aerial view across their facilities to project & manage labor hours and cost each day, which is their most volatile and most substantial operating cost.

Learn more about Timeclock here.

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